IMPROVE YOUR MARRIAGE - Don't Overlook The Obvious

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Marriage has seen better days.

Folks wait until later in life to wed, if they wed at all. - Divorce happens with an alarming frequency. Second and third marriages have an even smaller chance for success. -
 'Til death do us part has become a fairly meaningless phrase.
Infidelity is skyrocketing.
Involving most age groups and initiated by each gender.
Self-absorption, finances, gender roles, children, aging parents, failing health, unrealistic expectations, housework, and sexual/ intimacy issues all contribute to the strain experienced by married couples.

What do we do about this? - What can you do about this?
Improve Your Marriage – Don't Overlook the Obvious
is a part of that answer.
It is a guide, if you will, with brief strategies, truisms, and ideas, which when turned into action, should help a troubled marriage transform into a happier one.
It should help already blissful couples to greater value what they have, maintain it, and fine-tune their relationship.
It should be 'must reading' for young adults, those contemplating marriage, and newlyweds.

Marriage can be incredibly uplifting, a 'downer', or simply a 'mixed-bag' of usually fulfilling moments on our life's journey.
Improve Your Marriage – Don't Overlook the Obvious takes a different approach than what you might have experienced elsewhere.
recommends personal responsibility. It acknowledges the role of others. It speaks succinctly. And, it can easily be read again and again, without difficulty.
A perfect guide for married couples of all ages.

Improve Your Marriage – Don't Overlook the Obvious tells you what your mom, dad, or best friend would tell you if they knew, had the courage to tell you, or had the opportunity to explain.

An audio note from Russ:

 Just Because Baskets


Join us and others, at this site, sharing thoughts and experiences about married life.
Happiness. Sadness. Regrets. Successes. Dreams. Hopes. Plans. Parenting. Paid work. Home life. Intimacy (physical/ emotional).

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